Tuesday, February 28, 2006

more stuff

:P ran out of time on that last page there.. provided that blogger puts all the pages in order... haha...

Monday, February 27, 2006

hooray for gestures

yeah yeah.. i know.. it's getting old. I want to do some new stuff too. I think i'm in a rut at the moment.. oh well.. maybe i need a break.. or something...

head copies

sorry to anyone who's offended by me making drawings of their drawings.. copies of stuff done by mainly these two guys Kyle Marshall (http://kylemarshall.blogspot.com/) and Paul Richards (http://www.autodestruct.com/)

Saturday, February 25, 2006


well.. more gestures.. i actually did some more finished drawings today.. but surprise surprise.. I can't post them because they're for work. oh well.. tried to be more aware of the thinking behind the action/pose today...

Friday, February 24, 2006


haha more and more.. think I'm going to try and move onto something else for awhile.. come back to these later. hehe who knows..

Thursday, February 23, 2006

gesture mania..

well tried something different today.. tried adding a little environment here and there.. tried to draw volumes and form more.. I don't know if the drawings are that noticeably different. but.. going into a new approach slowed me down quite a bit.. but oh well.. it's good to try different approaches..

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


it's become my daily habit to do about an hour or less of gestures every morning. I guess I should mix something else into it sooner or later.. it would break up the pattern a bit.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


bam.. been hitting the gestures pretty hard as of late.

Monday, February 20, 2006

the other 3

gotta practice, practice, practice. and apply, apply, apply

I recently found some interesting drawing notes and gouache notes from Fred Fixler.. interesting stuff... here's the link, in case anyone is interested.. http://www.nasonart.com/writing/fixlerlessons.html


wow.. 8 pages to post today.. I think i was drawing more today.. cause i was frustrated with the wonky heads i was getting.. I was trying to remedy the problem.. so.. i drew more.. bleh.. oh well.. guess i need more practice.. here's the first 5

Saturday, February 18, 2006

more stuff

well.. i guess i should get back to painting.. i post this stuff.. cause.. i haven't really had time to turn on the machine and make some paintings.. but anyway.. more gesture stuff. a couple of adam hughes referenced stuff in there too.. but.. I don't think it's too noticeable... its only on that one page..

Friday, February 17, 2006