well this is from work.. i wanted to post all the drawings.. but I'm worried i might get in trouble for posting stuff.. this was something from the reject pile.. or.. "wrong direction" pile.. so.. I guess it should be ok to post this. I guess everything i have so far is considered to bei n the reject pile.. but i guess i shouldn't post too many development drwings.. anyways..
some gestures, decided to throw them together on one file, and put them on gray.
also added some links.... i actually added links twice.. but the second time failed.. when i was republishing the page.. I'll get those up on the blog again later.
getting faster at these. quicker at looking and getting the lines down..it's great fun.. I guess i should do some slower drawings too. just that from where i sit and draw everyone is constantly walking and i don't believe i would be able to get into much detail, unless i made it up myself.