Thursday, April 01, 2010


more of the same exercise.. on the vertical page(no black).. i tried to show.. how i was thinking about things... a quick drawing.. of just the shapes I was thinking about.. when I saw a group outside my window..


Kinman said...

so.. with the non outline stuff... i'm thinking.. maybe look for areas on figures where you could group details, cuz right now the broad strokes are beautiful, i just wonder if there could be bunches of details in certain areas.. playing up squash and stretch and using the bunches of details to compliment the broad strokes.. if that makes sense.. ?

chromasketch said...

so a face could be an area of bunches of details? or a hand? any part i guess.. and consequently i guess that would become a focal area?

Kinman said...

pretty much.. it's the marks that you make that will tell the viewer where to look.. so.. if you wanted, you could draw a forearm, and use the definition of the forearm muscles to bunch up and make detail groups.. but the thing is you have to see it s such first, otherwise it won't come across in your drawing..

chromasketch said...

ok, i'll give this a shot as well..